Serving Stone Masons WorldwidE
Welcome to Block Shear
BLOCK SHEARâ„¢ portable stone working tools vastly increases the speed of splitting and shaping of large and small stones of all above types, with large labor savings. Typically, the payback period is only a few weeks. The increase in efficiency that this equipment delivers is so significant that it usually pays for the equipment cost on the first project.
The Favorite of Stone Masons
& Landscapers Worldwide
BLOCK SHEARâ„¢ hydraulic splitters are activated either manually or Air-assist-Activated. In either variant, it’s the hydraulics that turn our splitter into power tools, as compared with still commonly used labor-intensive (manual) block and stone cutting and splitting methods. Please read on to learn why BLOCK SHEARâ„¢ portable machines are the favorite of stone masons and landscapers worldwide.
Get The Finest Quality American Made Tools